We have some great children’s groups that meet during the week. Maybe you can join us sometime.
Tuesday @ 10:30 is Storytime. I read 3 to 4 books and have a song to go along with the stories. Then we do a craft each week with the help of a volunteer. This helps the children with their fine motor skills. We cut or paste or paint. Anything to keep our hands and minds busy.
Tuesday, February 16th, @ 10:30 we have a special event by Tina Wood. She will tell a fishy tale of the alewives swimming home on Cobbossee Stream here in Gardiner. Everyone is invited to paint a fish that will be part of an outdoor community sculpture. Wear old clothes and come join the creative fun!
A big thank you goes out to the Gardiner Creativity Fund for the support of this specific program.
Friday @ 10:00 is Babies Loves Babies. This program socializes younger children through play and music. Familiar songs that are played through the morning will acquaint the toddlers with the melodies and words.
We are planning to start a Lego group soon! Please consider donating your gently used Legos to the Gardiner Public Library’s Children’s room.
See you in the Children’s Room!
Ginni Nichols, Children’s Librarian