Books? in the library?

Some of you may have noticed the large infusion of gently used, almost new books into the children’s & YA collection.  Many of these books are from the now closed satellite library at the Boys & Girls Club.  Budget constraints made the closure of our off site library necessary.  These books are a welcome addition to our main collections since they are not 2ndcopies but ones that otherwise had to be ordered from the Boys & Girls Club. Come in and check out our expanded collection, both fiction and nonfiction! Remember September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Boys & Girls Club

As we may all recall from our high school physics classes, every action has a reaction.  The action began as Governor LePage proposed suspension of revenue sharing to municipalities in his state budget.  Many of our legislators tried their best to fund this very important revenue source, but in the end, municipalities grappled with less money to fund services.  Towns began to weigh the importance of public safety versus public roads; support for cultural services versus city services.  All the cuts seemed drastic, but decisions had to be made as communities dealt with this fiscal blow. Gardiner City Councilors weighed …

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