Get Your Holiday Gifts At The Library!

The holidays are coming, MUCH faster than I was expecting!  Time does seem to move faster each year, but the temperature outside was in the 50s only a couple of weeks ago, and now I need my ice scraper in the morning.   We all know there are many, MANY holidays in December.  Some of these holidays are simply days – Egg Nog Day, Chester Greenwood Day, Dewey Decimal Day, to name a few.  I’m not sure about you, but these are not “gift” holidays to me.  On the other hand Hanukah, Kwanzaa and Christmas are holidays that are “gift” …

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New Items for December!

FICTION: After the fire by Henning Mankell.  Here is the story of an aging man whose quiet, solitary life on an isolated island off the coast of Sweden is turned upside down when the house he lives in catches fire. Christy by Catherine Marshall.  In 1912, a 19 year old girl leaves her comfortable home to teach school on an isolated cove in the great Smokey Mountains. Deep freeze by John Sandford.  Class reunions: a time for memories – good, bad, and, as Virgil Flowers is about to find out, deadly. A column of fire by Ken Follett.  A pair …

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Following Clues to Restore an Historic Cemetery (more clues still needed!)

Have you recently noticed a “new” cemetery emerging on Dresden Avenue across from the Common? What you are actually witnessing is the re-emergence of the oldest identifiable burial ground in Gardiner.  With stones dating back to 1791, the “Old Churchyard” actually takes us back to the days when Gardinerston was known as Pittston, Robert Hallowell Gardiner was just a boy, and Revolutionary War General Henry Dearborn lived where the library now stands. The churchyard was originally consecrated for those who worshiped at St. Ann’s, an Episcopal church established at the behest of Sylvester Gardiner and the first church built in …

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Small Business Saturday

Hate the mad rush of going to the big box stores as you holiday shop during the weekend after Thanksgiving?  Remember the days of going “downtown” to do that shopping by visiting a row of different stores with different types of items on a smaller and more personal level?  Perhaps that trip in the past might have included coffee/tea/snack and a lunch at that local downtown.  It was fun, wasn’t it, and something you still remember.  Small Business Saturday on November 25th endeavors to bring back those days and emotions.  The blurb below tells about Gardiner Maine Street’s promo of …

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ART @ the Library

Have you seen our new program? With the help of local artist, Isabelle Files, and the children’s room staff we have started a program called ART @ the Library. Once a month on a Tuesday evening at 6:00 in the Children’s room we are doing an art project for all ages. The first event was September 26th, featuring origami. We had fun making animals, boxes, and other items. On October 24th we did apple and leaf printing. Our youngest attendees loved working with the paint, and we got very creative. On November 7th we did collages by cutting pictures out …

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New Titles for November!

FICTION:  The art of keeping secrets by Rachael Johns.   They started out as “misfit” moms at their sons’ private school.  They shared everything – or so they thought.  Now on a trip to NYC, their tight hold on the secrets they’ve keep for years begins to slip. Beneath the depths by Bruce Coffin.  A police procedural in which a lawyer who’s already antagonized half the people in Maine winds up dead and, every pine tree in Portland seems chock-full of suspects. The best kind of people by Zoe Whittail.  A local schoolteacher is arrested, leaving his family to wrestle with …

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