Turning the Page

In keeping with the New Year, our thoughts often turn to resolutions. It’s a time to turn the page, start over, start fresh, and begin anew. Following are five recent additions to our collection you may want to check out.


The 3 Promises by David Pollay


The author shows how to make your life more positive by making three promises to yourself: “to find joy every day, do what you love, and to make a difference”.  





The Swift Diet by Kathie Swift


Devised by a holistic nutritionist, this four week plan provides meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle changes that help heal the bloating, gas, and digestive distress that so often go with carrying extra weight.  






Unbored Games by Joshua Glenn


Spend quality time with family and friends by having a weekly game night! There are more than seventy games listed, from indoors to outdoors, old-fashioned favorites, traditional board games, as well as computer games.  






How to be a Victorian by Ruth Goodman



Take a charming journey through the fine points of life in Victorian England, as told by a historian who jauntily endured them all by living in re-created Victorian conditions.





Kindle Fire HD: The Missing Manual by Peter Meyers


Have you learned how to use your Kindle Fire yet? Providing great illustrations, simple step-by-step instructions, and lots of handy tips, this truly is “the missing manual”!