Report on Summer Reading Program
I would like to thank all the local school districts, community members, parents, and grandparents. One of my goals this summer was to get more children signed up for the summer reading program than last year. We have surpassed last year’s number and reached higher than I thought possible for this summer. We should be very proud that this has happened for all of our communities. Every little step helps our children and our future. Now if we can get more children to come in after finishing the reading, we will have hit another mile stone. So come in and get your prizes in August.
Craft time at the library
One of our dedicated volunteers put together a poster on why the Gardiner Public Library “ROCKS” in the eyes of our children. She went around during craft time and asked the children what they liked best about coming to the library. Here are some of the answers.
“I like to make friends and play with them at the library.”
“I like the library because I can color here.”
“I like the arts and crafts, books and the movies.”
“I like the books and the games and playing at the library.”
“I like to do crafts at the library.”
“I like to read the books and take our movies.”
“I like the special books about dogs.”
“I like playing with the Legos at the library.”
This poster definitely has brightened up the children’s room and tells us why this building is so important to the communities that it services.
Upcoming Event
August 7th, Tuesday, there will be a special event in the Children’s Room at the Gardiner Public Library. – Lindsay & Her Puppet Pals at 10:00a.m.