Children’s Events ~ Spring 2019

A few upcoming spring events in the Children’s Room. ~~ Scales & Tails : Amazing Reptiles presented by Chewonki Tuesday, Apr. 16th at 10:30 am – school vacation week. Kennebec Valley Child Abuse Prevention event Friday, Apr. 19th 10-11:30 am. A local police officer will read a book, followed by snacks and a craft. Art @ the Library Tuesday, Apr. 21st, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Ms. Jenn and the Nutrition Detectives will visit us ~ Tuesdays, May. 7th, and Jun. 4th. We will have stories, songs and a craft at 10:00 am for preschoolers. Head Start Art Show, Tuesday, …

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New Items ~ April 2019

FICTION The American Agent by Jacqueline Winspear.  Mazie Dobbs investigates the mysterious murder of an American war correspondent in London during the Blitz. Black Leopard, red wolf by Marlon James.  A swords-and-sorcery epic set in a mythical Africa that is also part detective story, part quest fable, and part inquiry into the nature of truth, belief, and destiny. Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken.  This is about three generations of an unconventional New England family who own and operate a candlepin bowling alley. Cemetery Road by Greg Iles.  An electrifying tale of friendship, betrayal, and shattering secrets that threaten to destroy a …

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Maine Maple Sunday

Sunday, March 24th 2019, is Maine Maple Sunday. For those of us who might be interested in touring a sugarhouse, a list of participants can be found here – Maine Maple Sunday Participants.  This is a great map of the many and varied sugarhouses open for tours. For those of us who might be more interested in reading about Maple, here are a few titles to choose from. Anytime Mapleson by Mordicai Gerstein.  Have you ever invited bears for breakfast?  Check out this picture book, and enjoy the story. Maple by Lori Nichols.  A young girl and her maple tree …

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How could we not post a blog this time of year without thinking about and looking forward to spring?  So in that frame of mind, here are some books that have the word SPRING in their titles. Heart Spring Mountain by Robin MacArthur.  A young woman returns to her rural Vermont hometown in the wake of a heavy storm to search for her missing mother and unravel a powerful family secret. Paris Spring by James Naughtie.  Paris, in April of 1968. The cafes are alive with talk of revolution, but for Scottish-American Will Flemyng–a spy working in the British Embassy–the …

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New Items ~ March 2019

FICTION The age of light by Whitney Scharer.  Chronicles the tumultuous working and romantic relationships of photographer Man Ray and model-turned-photographer Lee Miller in early 1930s Paris. As long as we both shall live by JoAnn Chaney.  A masterful examination of a marriage gone very wrong, a marriage with lots of secrets…. Big bang by David Bowman.  Set in the 1950s, this epic presents a brilliant and wholly original take on the years leading up to the Kennedy assassination. Connections in death by J.D. Robb. Eve Dallas fights to save the innocent – and serve justice to the guilty – …

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