Have you seen our new program? With the help of local artist, Isabelle Files, and the children’s room staff we have started a program called ART @ the Library. Once a month on a Tuesday evening at 6:00 in the Children’s room we are doing an art project for all ages. The first event was September 26th, featuring origami. We had fun making animals, boxes, and other items. On October 24th we did apple and leaf printing. Our youngest attendees loved working with the paint, and we got very creative.

On November 7th we did collages by cutting pictures out of magazines and making a poster with the photos. This was a fun and relaxing event with photos of animals being the hot commodity.

It has been wonderful to see the adults working alongside the children on these projects. Come in and join us for the Tuesday, December 5th at 6:00 to decorate Holiday cookies and keep checking our Facebook page and calendars for our next ART @ the Library. If you have some ideas of some things you would like to do, just give us a call at 207-582-6894.